484 Soutter Street
Pretoria West
In modern passenger cars, there is hardly any area that can
get by without electronics.
The number of built-in electronic components is growing
steadily and cars have become high-tech vehicles – safer,
more comfortable and more environmentally friendly.
Bemow offers a dynamically growing assortment of febi
bilstein spare parts in the electronics and sensor area in OE
matching quality, suitable for various vehicle types.
We exclusively carry quality parts, for example, exhaust
pressure sensors, EGR valves, ignition coils and air flow
meters in our product range.
At febi bilstein, quality control of electronic components is
performed using a high-resolution X-ray machine.
In the randomly performed sample inspection of incoming
goods, a check is carried out to determine, amongst other
things, whether circuit boards, resistors and capacitors are
damaged or the wiring may be kinked.
In addition, the connection points to the circuit boards and the
soldering of resistors and capacitors are tested..
“Going the extra Mile - with a Smile”